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Monday, April 18, 2011

Happiness in simplicity , not in social circles.

Sorry bloggers, my life has been so hectic I have neglected my blog, for this I apologize.

As I sit here writing, I have a glass of wine, an open window with a cool breeze , and sounds of piano softly filling my office with it's enchanting tunes. ( I am in absolute Heaven right now)

For the past few days I have been wondering what is it that makes us happy? Lucky for me I had a thought provoking and utterly lovely chat with someone who understood where I was coming from. He also, has had the same thoughts of, "Why do people go after social status/overly concerned with pop culture?"

I find that most people, instead of living a life of joy, and living a life of creative living, we as people have become so engrossed in " What's next? " "HURRY HURRY HURRY"  " What do I have to buy now , just to feel as good as you?!?!"

We have become a people who are more focused on living in the next moment, that they rush all the moments they are currently in, and rushing them so much that they can not enjoy them.

Today as I was helping finish up the deck in our backyard, I honestly thought to myself " WOW I have so much to do, I am running around like a robot 90% of my day" I laid back and just enjoyed the breezes that spring has provided and gazed at the branches above me, noticing the branches on the trees and the new sprouts of leaves that has graced my tree. Those few moments were heavenly, just a small moment can make such of a difference in your day. To lay and actually pay attention to nature, the way the wind feels, the way the sun shines, the noises around you , it's like opening your eyes for the first time in a long time...

Accumulating the newest purse or getting the newest technology will not make you happy . A piece of  material will not make your day better, it will not love you back, it will not have a conversation with you, or help you become educated ,  it will only give you something to stress about, you have to afford the product, take care of it, then eventually it goes bad. All of this induces stress.....

What happened to us? Theoretically we are all the same, and I will say this as I said in my conversation with the gentlemen whom I was speaking with. "We are all the same, a few culture changes and a language barrier, but we are ALL basically the same"

Let us remind ourselves, it's not the latest trends , toys, etc etc that make us human, that make us happy, it's what we enjoy! Lay in the sun, play in the water, create art, read a book, write a poem, sing, have a conversation with someone who is completely on the other side of the fence than you , and see how you feel.

It's not the status that makes us a success it's our passion.

As quoted by my new friend YOU are the world, I am the world as MJ said it , we are the world.

Now I say to you ladies and gentlemen, go be the world, and go relish in it.

Blessings to you.

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